Cinco de Mayo is one of those holidays like St. Patrick's day: people back in the old country don't even get a day off from school, but their immigrant paisanos in the United States get to go out and get hammered. Cinco de Mayo is exactly the kind of holiday you'd expect to find located within four days of Mayday. "Cinco" is a holiday whose origins are, perhaps deservedly, obscure. Originally the term meant exactly what it sounds like--and sink full of mayonaise. How this would have happened and why it should be celebrated is mysterious, but just one more example of how little we gringos know about our amigos South of the Border. Those who have elected to remain south of the border, that is.

Why, for instance are so many Spanish love songs about cortisone? Why the big deal about La Bamba, but not the Samba, mamba, or Caramba? Why do the license plates on the back of cars say "Front"? When the bull wins a bullfight, why don't they give him the matador's ears? It's all pretty perplexing, all right, so the Weekend Warrior has thoughtfully provided this little glossary to straighten out some of the terms you might come across at a Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Mariachis.....mexican equivalents of Pagliachi, but not as sad
pinatas.......a drink with pineapple juice and coconut milk
cervesa.......the cervix. Why this is mentioned so frequently on holidays ishard to comprehend
sombrero......literally "somber"...a poker-faced expression put on to confuse
mantilla......diminutive of manta--a form of ray
fiesta........a nap in the afternoon

Hope that helps. Of course San Diegans have the novel option of going over to Tijuana and celebrating the Mexican holiday in actual Mexico. In which case here are several phrases guaranteed to make your international visit a bit more memorable. Hasta Lumbago, Baby.


Good Morning

Bogus Dias

Good Evening

Bonus Nachos

Thank you

Muchas Garcias


Poor Sabor

Which bus to the border?

Autobus por Guadalajara?

Where are the mariachis?

Me gustan maricons

A light beer, please.

Doble tequila,por favor.

I'm going to be sick.

Mas Tequila, con gusano.

To the bullring,cabbie.

Hasta un bordello, pronto.

Buy you a drink, miss?

Cuanto dinero, puta?

What's wrong, officer?

Chinga tu madre, cabron.

I'm an American citizen.

Soy loco y con pistola.

Call the American Consul.

Soy traficante de drugos.

Why am I in jail?

Vender mis favores sexuales.