Achieving clinical death in a consciousness experiment involving psychotropic herbs in Central America finally frees Ed of his unwanted career as a psychoanalysis and lets him pursue his classical piano. Until he falls in with "those idiot grunge ruffians upstairs" and swaps his Steinway for a shoulder-slung Korg. Ed sees what's going on as an attempt to create an artificial God... or maybe just a control conspiracy we call "art". With years of study of music and psychopathology at his fingertips, Ed is a powerful tool against Management... but what if breaking the chain of control means he'll lose the girl he is falling in love with?


Handsome, athletic Cody lost his scholarship when he drowned in that kayak, but he gained a desire to play guitar. The vocals came later, much to his surprise. A main force in the group, Cody also aspires to get something going with Big Red,about as unapproachable a romantic interest imaginable. A Colorado country boy, Cody has a rocker attitude and a simple explanation for the forces that rule the band and cause them to bend listeners to their ways: it's the Devil.


Electrocuted by a bio-feedback signal modulator he developed, Raptor's stolid, easy going bassist is comfortable in his new role generating music instead of synthesizing it. His theory about the forces that are directing their lives: an artificial intelligence virus. His knowledge of electronics and musical overtones comes in handy in the final confrontation with Management... but was it part of their plan?


Nothing subtle about tattooed gangbanger Chido's temporary death: he was stabbed by a rival gang. The energetic, muscular Chicano ladies' man plays both drumset and congas, and is a main force behind the band's signature use of huge groups of hand-drummers in concert. Who is behind the Raptor mind control, ese? Aliens, that's who. And not the illegal kind, either.


The spunky Mississippi teenager comes to Raptor as a fire-dancer, but getting "taken out" by their music turns her into the band's girlfriend. Her odd way with words ("I'm too out of it to get into it", "Infinity just goes on forever", "If you’ve seen one déjà vu, you’ve seen 'em all.") entertains the guys, but drive the logical Ed nuts. When her throat is injured and Roger rigs up an electronic replacement, she's suddenly a vocalist: her synthetic voice perfect for techno songs, mostly about shaking her delicious booty. Her idea about the band that controls her mind and body? Beautiful, golden angels.


A veteran blues guitarist and "headhunter", Nick challenges Raptor to a musical duel, but ends up "taken out" and recruited into the band. His hit on the orgasmic musical death they deliver him: "My life passed before me and I didn't even get a hard-on". He gets his sexual orientation forcibly altered in the capable hands of Big Red, who then dumps him, leading to a heartbreaking blues solo... and a hot single. His estimation of what's going on? "It's a scam. These guys are mobbed up."


The band is shocked when "Big Red Management" turns out to be a tall, competent redhead anybody would call Red. Tough on top, Red has the heart of a young girl who's been an agent of domination for half her life. In sexual servitude to Management (and whatever band members need her personal attention), she is developing feelings for Cody, knowing there is no chance for anything like real love in their lives. Her idea about what the "controllers" really are? "Parasites."